Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Looking Back: The 365 Project

Season's Greetings to all!

It's been quite some time since I've written anything new. The holidays are always such a busy time that it tends to get tough to be able to get my day to day done, let alone getting a new blog post up! That being said, tomorrow is New Years Eve, and my first thought is, "Where the hell did the time go?" This year has been truly a whirlwind in both good ways and in bad. As most of us do around the new year, I've begun to sit and reflect on the last twelve months. I feel as though I'm able to do that a little better than most this year, and it's all because of the 365 Project.

The project is really simple: You take one photo a day for an entire year, and post it to social media. I'm sure many of you reading this have seen me posting my daily pictures. You may have liked, commented, or even been a part of some of these photos. If you haven't seen them and would like to you can check out the album here. My project only has two days left, so I've finally sat down and gone through every single picture. When I say I went through them I mean I REALLY went through them. I checked out the comments, and the likes, and really gave each photo some time and thought to take myself back to those moments as best as I could. Along the way some key things kept sticking out to me.

A small sampling of my photos

First of all the experience was very humbling. At first glance you might think it would be something that was more narcissistic. I mean the photos are all about you and your life. Hell, most of the photos have you in them! Because of this it's very easy to have that association with the project, as social media is very much a "Me, Me, Me" type of thing, at least in this writer's opinion. Yet, when I looked back on these photos of the last year of my life I just kept thinking "This is bigger than me." It makes me feel like a small fish in a big pond, which to me is a good quality to have. It cements in me the understanding that my life isn't any more/less profound than anyone else that I know. Having that realization brings me to my next point.

Looking back on my own experiences has caused me to think about others experiences, and by others I mean family and friends. We so quickly rush to judgement or have an opinion in today's day and age. Trust me, I'm just guilty as the next person with this, but this process has caused me to slow my roll and think about the year that others have had. This is a part of that humbling experience, because it has forced me to put myself in other people's shoes. We all have our own battles, struggles, and achievements that make us who we are. It's actually pretty neat to think everyone has their own individual path that has brought them to where they are today. I've always been an overly analytical person, and you could easily argue that this blog post is a prime example of that (haha), but this over analysis has brought other things to the surface for me as well that I think are beneficial.

Mainly I would say that the process of looking back has been both joyful and cathartic. By that I mean that the photos remind me of good times and bad times. Life is no fairytale. I've head great moments of triumph and fun, and I've had moments of failure where I needed to take a good hard look in the mirror, as both a man and as a husband . The trick is being able to take all of these moments, whether pleasant or shitty, and grow from them. That's really the key word in all of this: Growth. Life is a total roller coaster, and sometimes you can put your arms in the air and smile, while other times you have to just hold on tight and make it through. The sooner you understand this and just embrace all of it then the easier life tends to flow. I always cringe around New Years when I see people post things on social media about "New Year, New Me". I cringe because this implies to me that you want to change every single thing about yourself, which to me is unrealistic. Instead, I prefer the term, "New Year, Positive Growth". It doesn't sound as cute as the latter, but for me it's something realistic to strive for. I want to take all of my experiences and grow towards being a better person than I was the last 365 days.

The other big takeaway I have is something that my sister says quite often, which is "My attitude is gratitude". The 365 photos from my project are all examples of blessings in my life. A wonderful family, incredible friends, food to eat, a roof over my head, falling short, times of struggle (yes, those are blessings too!) At the end of the day I'm just thankful I wake up each and every day with the ability to experience every single piece of it. It makes me feel like lucky, as well as the most overused word in the English language "blessed".

So with that, I will end this long, over analytic, end of the year rant. It's worth noting that I by no means have everything in life figured out, but hopefully if you're reading this you can relate to at least a small part of what I'm putting out there. Then again, even if you don't that's really ok too. Because for me the writing process of this blog is much like the 365 Project has been for me, both joyful and cathartic, or literary therapy as I call it. If you happen to still be reading this I am offering up a challenge to you. Try the 365 Project out, and see where it takes you. You just might be pleasantly surprised...

Cheers to healthy and prosperous 2015 to all of you!

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Shooter's Super Simple Crock Pot Venison Stew

Greetings to all. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday with your loved ones. As I write this it seems like it's getting colder every damn day, so my wife and I have started to turn towards our hearty comfort foods. You know the ones I'm talking about. They feel like they warm your bones as you eat them, and they give you a post meal glow that lasts through those frigid UP nights until you head to bed. A staple for our house is my crock pot venison stew. Unfortunately I didn't get a deer this year, so I'm getting down to the last of my venison reserves. Luckily, I have a few packs of stew meat left, and they tend to go a long way! As I was preparing everything last night I thought, "Why not share this with everyone?!" So, without further adieu, this is my super simple crock pot venison stew recipe.

(Disclaimer: I'm far from being a great cook, but I came up with this on my own in my bachelor days when I wanted something easy and tasty. People seem to like it, but feel free to change things up as you see fit)

What You'll Need

* 1 - Larger size crock pot.
* 2 - Packs of venison stew meat (If don't have stew meat you could cube up any venison you have in the freezer)
* 3 - Larger sized carrots
* 3 - Larger sized potatoes
* 1/4 - of an onion
* 2 - Cans of cream of mushroom soup (Normally I'd say use whatever, but go with Campbells. You can honestly taste the difference)
* Garlic Powder
* Pepper

Getting Started
The first thing I like to do is chop up the 1/4 onion and mix it in a pan with all of the venison. Then I cover everything in garlic powder and pepper and put it aside. This is to give the meat time to soak up the seasoning a little while I work on everything else. The goal is to take some of the gamey taste out of the venison, but not totally.

Next you just want to peel and cut up the carrots and potatoes. Try and cube up the potatoes as evenly as you can.

That's basically it as far as prep goes, so as I said earlier: EASY!

Prepped and ready to rock!

Crock Pot Time
Again this is super simple, just throw everything in the crockpot, and add in the two cans of cream of mushroom soup. Use one of the empty soup cans to put 2 1/2 cans of water into the crock pot as well. Stir it all up with a big spoon until everything is mixed evenly, and then it's time to slow cook!

Set your crock pot on low, and if it has a timer then set it for 8 hours. You can get away with 6 or 7 hours if you are in a hurry, but your carrots and potatoes won't be quite as soft. Every 1.5 to 2 hours just give a stir.

Time To Eat
Taste Explosion
Your finished product should resemble the above photo, which was actually taken tonight before we sat down to eat. I knew I hit a home run when my wife said "Oh wow. This tastes just like something my mom would make!" Score one for Shooter! Trust me. If I can whip this together then anyone can do it! It doesn't get any easier, and this meal is filling, healthy, and cheap to make. I hope you all enjoy it as much as we do!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

The 5 Best Things About Deer Camp (Besides Getting a Buck)

Greetings to all. I'm currently writing this blog on my iPhone from my deer blind. You have to love technology! If anything, doing this on my phone makes me sit still and be quiet, which makes me a better hunter than I normally am (I'm fidgety OK!) I've hunted for 4 straight days without any luck, and I have another 2 or 3 days of hunting to go. While it's very frustrating to not have bagged a buck yet, spending this much time out in the woods has given me plenty of time alone with my thoughts. This got me to thinking about everything it is that I love about this magical time of year. That being said, these are in my opinion, the 5 best things about deer camp (besides getting a buck).

5. The Food
As anyone who has been to deer camp knows, it's not just the deer that are eating well out there! There is a constant array of snacks available at all times, which I like to refer to as the "bait pile". Anything from potato chips or venison jerky, all the way to the camp favorite pickled eggs, there is no shortage of good stuff.

Pickled eggs with my aunt's secret recipe. "It's all about the brine!"
Let's not forget the actual meals either. A better word to describe them would be "feast". You feast when you are at deer camp on huge meals of pastys, Italian sausage drowning in red sauce, venison pot roast that practically melts, etc, etc. I could go on for days with the mouth-watering meals we cook up every year for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you go home hungry it's your own damn fault!

4. The Drink
Hard Truth - There's a whole lot of drinking going on at deer camp! At least at our camp there is. Let me be clear though. It's not a 24/7 free for all up there. It's basically a vacation for all the gentlemen at our camp, so you have a few to unwind and relax the same as you would on any other vacation. I mean who doesn't love to sit down and have a cold beer after a long day in the woods talking about the hunting you did? No matter what your poison is there's no shortage of it when you head to deer camp!

Bloody Mary to start the day.

Pick your poison
3. The Sauna
A true staple of being at deer camp. After a long day in the cold woods there's nothing better than warming up in a steaming hot sauna. Part of the joy for me is it's methodical process. You have to heat the sauna to just the right temperature. Then you sit down and throw some water on the rocks and soak up the steam. The water has eucalyptus in it, and the minute you hear that sizzle you can feel it sting your nostrils and open up your sinuses. After a good sweat you go out in the snow and cool off. Repeat that process 3 or 4 times and you feel like a million bucks you betcha!

200 degrees is perfection!
2. The Nature
It's no secret that the Upper Peninsula is full of scenic beauty. It's on full display when you are out in the woods for hours on end hunting. Hopefully you see deer, but chances are you'll spot other animals and birds as well. If you are doing things right and being quiet you get to see these creatures doing their day to day in the natural habitat which is pretty cool. Depending on the weather as well, you can truly end up with some breath-taking views. Which again, when you sit still for hours in your deer blind you can savor the moment and truly take in everything that mother nature has to offer.

Barred Owl outside of camp.
Sunrise and Sunset

1. The Fellowship
Hands down the best thing about deer camp is the fellowship. It's being with friends and family and having fun. Many a story is told, legends are passed down, and those that have passed on are remembered and discussed with great fondness. There's jokes that are said, most of them being inappropriate. Except at deer camp not only are they acceptable but they are welcomed. 

Enter at your own risk!
Card games are happening almost constantly. Smear, poker, cribbage, you name it. These are heated contests where money and bragging rights are exchanged at a rapid pace. 

Want to play a little fifteen two?
It is these stories, laughs, and comradery that make deer camp so special. Generation after generation these rituals, history, and bonding time are passed down as a right of passage. Of course shooting the buck of your dreams is great, and really it's your ultimate goal, but at the end of the day it's OK if you don't bag that big one you've been trying to lure in. I say this because in my opinion being at deer camp has allowed you to make wonderful memories that will last you a lifetime whether you tag that deer or not. So my friends, I hope all of you who are out there in the woods are taking the time to stop and soak in the whole amazing experience that we call deer camp. Until next time, and best of luck hunting!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Movember: The Story Behind the 'Stache and Why the Movement Matters

As I write this blog post it is a cold, windy, and overcast day in Marquette. A "typical" fall day as most would consider it. While many are making Halloween plans or thinking of last minute costume ideas the thing that keeps invading my thoughts is that November 1st is just a few short days away. This means that all across the world men are prepping their razors and shaving cream for that important day. The day that marks the start of Movember.
You can check out the Movember website here.
Long story short, Movember is a month of raising funds in the name of men's health. Specifically, the funds go towards prostate and testicular cancer research, and programs for men who have cancer or have survived it. The rules are extremely simple: November 1st those participating must shave their face clean, and for the next month must grow a moustache; beards and goatees do not count. We grow our 'staches because the moustache stands as a symbol of all that is man. From Clark Gable to Hulk Hogan, history has been full of moustaches that we associate with the "man's man". Cool individuals that men everywhere grew up idolizing.

Now, throughout this month some may grow a great 'stache while others struggle mightily. Yet the quality of 'stache is not really important. What matters is that you are standing in solidarity with others, making the sacrifice of your personal looks in the name of men's health. As you grow that 'stache it is a conversation piece, and the more awareness there is for this often overlooked issue the better.  As the month progresses participants share their growth journey on social media and by word of mouth and encourage people to donate to the cause. I personally have been participating for three years, with my journey starting when the issue hit close to home.

A very close friend of mine has had testicular cancer twice. His name is Brandon, and we have known each other almost our entire lives. By the grace of God he survived both battles like a champ. He remains cancer free today (Homer Simpson voice- WOOHOO!), but that's not to say he doesn't carry scars. In an attempt to lighten the mood I will put it this way: He's only got half a nut left. While it's easy to makes jokes, which we routinely do, the truth of the matter is he doesn't really know if he can ever have kids (he was told that the odds are extremely low). Also, let's not forget the emotional and mental scars that come with having cancer. The entire process takes a toll on the body, mind, and spirit as you essentially have to do battle ever day. Now earlier, I said my friend survived both battles like a champ. I say this because through his perseverance and legendary sense of humor he's pushed on. I can't even begin to name all of the different organizations he has been a part of or raised money for in the fight against cancer. You can read more of his story here.

Truthfully, our relationship has had peaks and valleys over the years, and it pains me to say that while he went through his ordeal we weren't really even talking. I recall sending a few messages of encouragement, but that really was the extent of my support. It wasn't because we had any sort of issues, it was just that we were at separate colleges living separate lives. It's a fact of life that sometimes friendships drift, but it still is a regret that I carry that I wasn't there for him more. Life has funny way of coming full circle, and in the years since college my friend and I have grown close again. He even stood in my wedding! To think that cancer may have taken away the chance for him to do that or even for us to rekindle our friendship is very scary one.

Brandon and I on my wedding day.
What I've done now is used that regret and turned it into a positive, because it is the reason I participate in Movember every year right by friend's side. I've never specifically told him that, but it is my way of making up for not being a better friend during a tough time. We cannot change the past, but we can learn from it and hopefully make a better future, and that's what the Movember Movement offers me.

By now you are probably thinking, "Ok, neat story, but why should Movember matter to me?" It really boils down to two main things.

The first is awareness, because the fact of the matter is there's a really good chance a man you know has dealt with cancer. You may have a story about it or you may not have even known they were dealing with it. Men aren't exactly a fan of sharing emotions or issues, especially medical ones. We usually "poo poo" everything and avoid the doctors. I know I've been guilty of it! Sadly, this leads to many men not surviving cancer, because they don't know they have it until it's too late. Movember is a great way to increase awareness and promote men regularly getting screened and being open to discussing things. 

The second reason is that men's health issues are just as important as women's. I say this in response to the "pink washing" that is the month of October. By that I mean everywhere you look for that whole month all you see is pink ribbons on everything from professional athletes to the products you purchase at stores. This is a great thing that I am in support of, but where is the love for the fellas?! It is no secret that cancer knows no age, race, or gender, so in that regard I feel very strongly that there should be just as many blue ribbons out there as pink ones.

The Movember Movement might be largest organization waving that flag, raising $22.9 million last year alone. They allocated 83% of that money towards men's health programs and research. Sadly, this pales in comparison to the $263 million that the Susan G. Komen Foundation raised last year, and that's only one of the many women's health organizations. The good news is that Movember has gained momentum every year it has been in existence. We just have to keep things going in the right direction. By we I don't mean just my fellow Mo' Bros as we are called. Women are encouraged to become Mo' Sistas as well, and no, you don't have to grow a moustache! You can raise funds, get conversations going to raise awareness, and encourage the men out there growing their 'stache for the cause. So with that, I encourage you to get out there and get involved, or if that's not your cup of tea please consider donating to the cause. Whether it is your time or your money that you donate you are helping men's health take big steps in a positive and very necessary direction. Until next time my friends...

**If you wish to donate to my Movember just click here. Thank you in advance for your support of the cause.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Yooper Food Spotlight - Pat's Bar

I have a regular lunch date with a good friend of mine. About once a month we meet at a local spot to chew the fat (pun intended) and enjoy some good food. We both are "foodies" in our own respective ways, so quality is a must when picking a locale. We always take turns who picks, and this month it was on my friend to do the honors. Normally, we toss a few ideas back and forth and see what sticks, but when we spoke last week that didn't happen. Instead he texted me two magic words, "Pat's Bar."

Pat's Bar has been a staple in Marquette practically forever. It carries with it a reputation for good food, and more notably that you aren't allowed to swear. No seriously, if you curse out loud they will ask you to leave. I was unable to come up with the year that Pat's opened in my research, but I know my father frequented the place during his college years in the early 70's. From the minute you get there it is obvious that this is a place that has stood the test of time. From the classic neon signage on top, to the old school brick architecture, Pat's Bar is vintage head to toe. Yet, this isn't done in the way that many places are doing now to try and get the "retro" look. This establishment IS the definition of retro. If anything, other places try to emulate what this place does naturally.

Photo courtesy of Pat's Bar Facebook page.

I've lived in the Marquette area for four years, and I'm almost embarrassed to say this was my first true trip to Pat's. I had been there one other time for a quick beer, but it was later at night so let's just say I wasn't exactly focused on my surroundings at the time. As we walked in the door this time and I looked around I made sure to soak it all in. At first glance I first see two middle age gentleman sitting at a table. One is of course in a flannel coat and they are deep in conversation. We make it in a little farther and I notice cribbage boards behind the bar just begging for a game of "fifteen two" to get started. The last thing I spy is an older gentlemen sitting at the bar slouching over a beer in his American Legion jacket.Vintage Yooper bar indeed!

We sat down at a high top table along the wall opposite the bar and instantly fell into our familiar banter of fantasy football and recent dealings. Suddenly, the owner/waitress/bartender yells from behind the bar, "Coke with Ice?!" My compadre replies with a quick yes. As I order myself a Sprite I can't help but be impressed that she remembers his usual order and does so with gusto.

**Sidenote: I would have ordered a beer, but were on our lunch hour during the work week.

The woman quickly brings our pops over in short mugs and brings her order pad with her. She starts in with my friend like they have been friends for 40 years. "The usual? Fried onions? You want the deluxe this time?" This retort with my friend catches me off guard, as I start having multiple thoughts all at once. Where are the menus, and how the hell does she know what he orders so well? I ask if there is a menu and she shoots me a quizzical look."First timer?" she quips as she glances back at my buddy. Before we can answer she quickly explains to me that a deluxe means lettuce, tomato, mayo on whatever burger you order. I inquire about a mushroom Swiss and get a quick reply that they don't have mushrooms and Swiss isn't an option. "You want cheese, we have American." is the answer that I am given. She mentions that I can get the usual toppings: onions, pickles, bacon, relish should I so choose. She also explains you can get fries with or without gravy (holy wah!), onion rings, cheese sticks, or poppers, which I assume are the Jalapeno variety. Based on the vast amount of info I'm given in a short period of time it is obvious that while other options are available, made to order burgers are the standard here. I have basically been guided to the promised land! I know now that the menu would be a waste of time because this place is no muss and no fuss. Things are short, sweet, and to the point. I quickly realize that this is definitely my kind of place! My friend recommends the onion rings, so I get those and order a bacon cheeseburger deluxe. Our server takes off with our order and it doesn't take long for delicious smells and the sound of sizzles to start creeping out of the small kitchen area. I have a strong feeling that patience will certainly be a virtue...

In no time flat our burgers are brought to us and we dive right in. This isn't a food blog so I will spare you that play by play, but simply put, everything about my burger was "just right". It was the same as the ordering was: simple and to the point. Most importantly, you could taste in every juicy bite that it was made with TLC. In my opinion, that's what makes places like Pat's Bar all across the UP special. Quite frankly, it's what sets them apart in an age of chain restaurants and fast food service. Mention Pat's to anyone who is from Marquette or knows the area and they all say the same thing, "Oh man their burgers are awesome!" After experiencing it for myself I'm definitely a believer! If you want a low-key meal that's high on flavor and full of Yooper heart and soul, Pat's Bar truly is a must stop.
Taste Explosion
As we were finishing our meal the bartender/server/owner stopped by and dropped off the bill. We turned it over and I was pleasantly surprised to see it was $20. You can't go wrong when an establishment has vintage prices to go with a solid vintage vibe. We got up to leave and I once again looked around and took in my surroundings. I couldn't help but feel nostalgic being in a cozy Yooper bar with great burgers. Mostly because it reminded me of another favorite spot of mine: The Woodward Bar in Kingsford. We will leave that great Yooper experience for another blog post. On our way out the door my friend asked the owner "You think he's allowed back?" in regards to me. She looked me up and down quickly, and with a grin and a chuckle said, "Sure, at least now he knows how to order." I guess for now my Yooper Man Card is safe. Until next time my friends...

Friday, October 3, 2014

The Beauty of Plaidurday, and why it's Important

Today is the first Friday of October, which marks the holiday known as Plaidurday. Started four years ago by Yooper afficinado, Bugsy Sailor, it's premise is simple: Wear plaid as a celebration of your love for it. Yet digging past the face value of this "holiday" shows the true importance of it all.

The history of plaid is a surprisingly long one, so much so that is has it's own Wikipedia page dedicated to it. While it's birth and rise to prominence belong to Scotland, it's current foothold belongs to the northern portions of North America, as well as to hipsters all around the world by way of flannel shirts, hats, backpacks, etc. Even the holiday itself is a sign of the growth of plaid. Simply check out FacebookTwitter, or Instagram and you'll see the reach that #Plaidurday has. It's the lumberjack look that is cool and appealing. Personally, I think it's because it represents a strength, endurance, and masculinity; amongst many other things. Yet for many it is simply a "look", or an image they are trying to achieve.
Yoopers or Hipsters? Photo courtesy of here
In the Upper Peninsula it is so much more than that. It is a lifestyle. You, your family, and everyone in between has been rocking that plaid as long as you've been alive. You haven't been wearing it to look cool or because it's trendy. You are wearing it because it's functional for our lifestyle. It suits the needs and day to day grind that is the Upper Peninsula. It is within that sentiment that lies the reason that Plaidurday is important. It is a great commonality of the UP and its people. We don't all like the same sports teams, we all come from different areas and backgrounds, and we for damn sure don't all have the same political ideals. But we all have that favorite flannel. The one that is weathered and oh so cozy. It shows character and carries a history from actual use, not because it came off the rack and was advertised that way. So my friends, when you wear that plaid today wear it with pride, the way your Yooper forefathers have done for decades before you. Because just as the weave of both the pattern of the plaid and the material it's on, Plaidurday weaves us all together. Cheers to the weekend everyone...

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Three Cool Items for Fall that Won't Break the Bank

Greetings to all, and welcome to my first blog post. As the name of this blog implies it will be about my lifestyle as a Yooper. Simply put, I'll be posting about sports, music, gadgets, outdoors, etc. Basically, if I think something is cool I'll talk about it! With that being said, onto the blogging!

All across the Upper Peninsula leaves are changing colors as Autumn is nearly in full bloom. This is by far my favorite time of year, and many yoopers, including myself, start spending more and more time in the woods as hunting season starts up. If you're going to be spending more time in the woods why not have some cool new stuff to use? I've scoured one of my favorite sites, The Fancy to bring you three things you can take with you into the woods this fall that are both awesome and affordable!

1. Camo Chillin Radio Cooler ($50)

Tunes and a few cold ones. What more could you ask for? This awesome cooler does both! It will play music from any mp3 player/smart phone, or you have the option to play the AM/FM radio. You know, just in case you want to hear Elmer Aho play some American Country Gold on a Saturday night. Another plus is that the whole thing runs off only four AA batteries. The cooler holds a 12 pack of cans, has extra storage pockets, and even has straps so you can hook it to your ATV if need be. The digital camo isn't my favorite, but at least it's got a rugged look so it will fit right in at camp. You can purchase it here.

2. Fancy Power Grid ($60)

Fancy teamed up with a company called Tego Power to create this slick gadget. It comes out of the box 80% charged which is pretty cool, but really everything about this is awesome.You can charge one iPhone twice, or two separate iPhones once at the same time. It's also compatible with iPods, iPads, Samsung Galaxies, and a lot more. It comes with it's own USB cable so charging it is simple, and the lights on top let you know much of a charge you have. It's a reliable and portable device that's roughly the size of a large cellphone. You can order it here.

3. Mo-Tool Wood Inlay Axe ($60)

Axe, hammer, screwdriver, blades, knives, can opener, wire cutter, pliers, file, and wrench. There's not much this tool can't do! Great for hunting, fishing, camping, you name it. It's also a little smaller in size which is a plus, because it comes with nice case so you can carry it right on your belt. If you're going to be out tooling around the woods or getting your deer blind ready this is almost a must have. In my opinion $60 is more than reasonable for something you can beat the crap out of and it keeps doing it's job well with very little maintenance to it. You can order it here.

So those are my three kick ass items you can purchase this fall that will make your time in the woods that much more well spent. If you enjoyed my first blog please like it or share it and pass the word along. There's definitely much more to come.

Until Next Time,