Thursday, November 20, 2014

The 5 Best Things About Deer Camp (Besides Getting a Buck)

Greetings to all. I'm currently writing this blog on my iPhone from my deer blind. You have to love technology! If anything, doing this on my phone makes me sit still and be quiet, which makes me a better hunter than I normally am (I'm fidgety OK!) I've hunted for 4 straight days without any luck, and I have another 2 or 3 days of hunting to go. While it's very frustrating to not have bagged a buck yet, spending this much time out in the woods has given me plenty of time alone with my thoughts. This got me to thinking about everything it is that I love about this magical time of year. That being said, these are in my opinion, the 5 best things about deer camp (besides getting a buck).

5. The Food
As anyone who has been to deer camp knows, it's not just the deer that are eating well out there! There is a constant array of snacks available at all times, which I like to refer to as the "bait pile". Anything from potato chips or venison jerky, all the way to the camp favorite pickled eggs, there is no shortage of good stuff.

Pickled eggs with my aunt's secret recipe. "It's all about the brine!"
Let's not forget the actual meals either. A better word to describe them would be "feast". You feast when you are at deer camp on huge meals of pastys, Italian sausage drowning in red sauce, venison pot roast that practically melts, etc, etc. I could go on for days with the mouth-watering meals we cook up every year for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you go home hungry it's your own damn fault!

4. The Drink
Hard Truth - There's a whole lot of drinking going on at deer camp! At least at our camp there is. Let me be clear though. It's not a 24/7 free for all up there. It's basically a vacation for all the gentlemen at our camp, so you have a few to unwind and relax the same as you would on any other vacation. I mean who doesn't love to sit down and have a cold beer after a long day in the woods talking about the hunting you did? No matter what your poison is there's no shortage of it when you head to deer camp!

Bloody Mary to start the day.

Pick your poison
3. The Sauna
A true staple of being at deer camp. After a long day in the cold woods there's nothing better than warming up in a steaming hot sauna. Part of the joy for me is it's methodical process. You have to heat the sauna to just the right temperature. Then you sit down and throw some water on the rocks and soak up the steam. The water has eucalyptus in it, and the minute you hear that sizzle you can feel it sting your nostrils and open up your sinuses. After a good sweat you go out in the snow and cool off. Repeat that process 3 or 4 times and you feel like a million bucks you betcha!

200 degrees is perfection!
2. The Nature
It's no secret that the Upper Peninsula is full of scenic beauty. It's on full display when you are out in the woods for hours on end hunting. Hopefully you see deer, but chances are you'll spot other animals and birds as well. If you are doing things right and being quiet you get to see these creatures doing their day to day in the natural habitat which is pretty cool. Depending on the weather as well, you can truly end up with some breath-taking views. Which again, when you sit still for hours in your deer blind you can savor the moment and truly take in everything that mother nature has to offer.

Barred Owl outside of camp.
Sunrise and Sunset

1. The Fellowship
Hands down the best thing about deer camp is the fellowship. It's being with friends and family and having fun. Many a story is told, legends are passed down, and those that have passed on are remembered and discussed with great fondness. There's jokes that are said, most of them being inappropriate. Except at deer camp not only are they acceptable but they are welcomed. 

Enter at your own risk!
Card games are happening almost constantly. Smear, poker, cribbage, you name it. These are heated contests where money and bragging rights are exchanged at a rapid pace. 

Want to play a little fifteen two?
It is these stories, laughs, and comradery that make deer camp so special. Generation after generation these rituals, history, and bonding time are passed down as a right of passage. Of course shooting the buck of your dreams is great, and really it's your ultimate goal, but at the end of the day it's OK if you don't bag that big one you've been trying to lure in. I say this because in my opinion being at deer camp has allowed you to make wonderful memories that will last you a lifetime whether you tag that deer or not. So my friends, I hope all of you who are out there in the woods are taking the time to stop and soak in the whole amazing experience that we call deer camp. Until next time, and best of luck hunting!

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